Summer Miaoli Oolong


A dark Bai Hao (white-tip) oolong with an unusual floral perfume and flavour. This tea’s unique character is mainly down to a combination of three factors: the distinctive, old-tree Qing Xin Da Mao cultivars, the long withering and high oxidisation of the leaves, and the aromatic terpenes produced by the leaf when bitten by tea jassids (小緑葉蝉). This tea was grown and processed in June 2024 in Miaoli in northern Taiwan by Mr Hsu, a fourth generation tea maker who, unlike many producers of jassid-bitten teas, uses no pesticides all year round rather than just in the season of harvesting.

This year’s tea has notes of satsuma, honey and malt, with a floral sweetness. In later infusions it has the intensity of a second flush Darjeeling black tea, with similar muscatel flavours coming into the foreground.

We recommend brewing this tea with water just off the boil and 5g of leaf per 150ml. Infuse the tea for a good amount of time to bring out all the deep, floral qualities. Many infusions are possible. When cold or ambient brewed this makes an outstanding fruity and aromatic iced tea with no trace of bitterness.

Mr Hsu, Miaoli, Taiwan

7 acres

Camellia Sinensis Sinensis, Qing Xin Da Mao cultivar. Harvested June 2024.

95°C, 5g per 150mls. 3-5 infusions. To cold brew use 5g per 750mls and leave in fridge overnight.

Caddy option is only available online or via ‘Collect from Postcard Teas’ for shop collection, two working days after purchase.

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Mr. Hsu’s family has been involved with tea making for 2 generations. His wife comes from southern Taiwan and for many years they had long distance relationship before marrying 20 years ago. Now their farm is bustling with their kids and 4 adopted dogs. Their kids adore playing in the tea fields and one of their favourite games is to pick insects off the tea bushes except the jassids that heighten the tea’s aroma when they bite the plants’ leaves.

Additional information

Weight 0.07 kg